Friday, April 25, 2014

Getting on the right PATH

PATH (People Assisting the Homeless) is a family of agencies working together to end homelessness for individuals, families, and Veterans throughout Southern California. In February 2012, the Westwood Village Improvement Association contracted with PATH to reduce homelessness in the Westwood Village District. This collaboration consists of a team of PATH outreach workers creating relationships with homeless individuals in Westwood Village in hopes to get them off the streets and into temporary or permanent housing. Westwood is a very special place for PATH because this is where the organization was originally launched in 1984, and the WVIA is very pleased to have PATH as a partner providing such very important services in our community.

To date, this partnership resulted in the following outcomes and successes:

Total number of clients in the program: 44
Total number of clients toured West L.A. Facility: 6
Total number of clients transitionally housed: 8
Total number of clients permanently housed: 2

Relevant Statistics – 59 clients enrolled in the program, 9 transitionally housed, 4 permanently housed.

Success stories of the program:

Gail – Gail had been homeless in Westwood for 3 years after losing her job and being unable to find employment. Gail was comfortable on the streets of Westwood Village and was resistant at first to receive services when the PATH Outreach team approached her. After 2 months of continuous engagement, Gail finally agreed to come into PATH’s West LA facility in October 2012. At PATH, Gail gained access to transitional housing, as well as regular case management, all with the end goal of locating permanent housing for Gail. This was difficult due to her limited income. Gail only received General Relief of $221/month, and her application for SSI had been denied, so she was in the process of appealing and re-applying. After extensive sourcing, the team was able to successfully locate a shared living opportunity that could accommodate her very low income. With the help of PATH’s Outreach team, Gail moved into her place on July 2, 2013. The housing unit is in South Los Angeles in a quiet duplex, where she currently shares a room with one other roommate. PATH was also able to assist Gail with her security deposit and first month’s rent. Since her move in, the team has paid a couple of follow-up visits to ensure that she is doing well and adjusting to her new environment. She is happily settled in, but PATH will continue to work with Gail and provide any assistance she may need in the future.

Mickey – Over a year ago, PATH’s Street Outreach team was able to place the first client of the program at our West LA facility. Mickey was within the top ten most vulnerable homeless individuals LAPD's Homeless Unit. Mickey was fingerprinted and his identity was able to be established. PATH’s Outreach team helped Mickey to obtain a Social Security card, acquire a California ID, and also link with income (through which he received a retroactive payment of $50K!). Mickey cannot live independently due the severity of his mental health issues, but the PATH team is working on a board-and-care facility, which will best suit his needs. In Westwood - chronically homeless, with severe mental health issues and poor hygiene that threatened his physical health – and it was an enormous success to get him off the streets. This transition into the shelter was a big step in Mickey’s life, so the PATH team worked diligently to ensure a positive, productive experience for him.

Do you need to contact PATH’s street outreach team? The Community Outreach Team is here to help! 

Los Angeles County: (866) 923-1376
Westside: (424) 262-6333

For more information about PATH or if you would like to learn how to get involved, please visit

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